Alternative Healthcare

Women’s Health Screening Phoenix
Women’s Health Screening Phoenix

Women’s Health Screening Phoenix

family-of-fourAnnual Health Screenings

For women to stay healthy it is important that they attend annual health screenings by women’s health Phoenix physicians so that they can be checked for breast cancer or and they can also have a check up on their general health, blood work and have a pap smear.  By catching things early you have a better chance of getting treatment early and being able to prevent diseases from getting worse.

It is important for women to have a baseline mammogram around age 40 and to conduct self breast exams monthly from a young age.  You should also have a qualified physician do a routine breast exam yearly.  By conducting thorough breast exams you will be able to catch any kind of lumps or abnormalities and have them checked out by a doctor.  By being aware and having exams done in a timely manner you will be able to help detect breast cancer early if you have it.  A baseline mammogram is important because you will be able to compare all of your future mammograms to it.

Annual screenings for your general health are also important because if a physician is able to see you yearly he can check your weight and do blood work to check your cholesterol and also your blood pressure.  If you are out of balance on anything he can help you to come up with solutions to get you back to perfect health.  Women’s health Phoenix physicians are willing to help you with any concerns that you have and can give you a lot of advice and tips on how to stay healthy and happy as your age.  Having your complete blood work done by age 25 is a very wise choice because it helps women’s health Phoenix physicians to diagnose any problems and to see how your cholesterol levels are and to see if you are deficient in iron or any other area.

A Pap smear test is a gynecological procedure that is used to find cancerous or pre-cancerous cell in a women’s cervical area.  It is wise to have a Pap smear done after you become sexually active by a women’s health Phoenix doctor in your area.  By having this screening done you are able to detect cancers early and receive adequate treatment if you have the disease.  If you get an abnormal result to a Pap smear test then it does not mean that you absolutely have cancer, but doctors are able to check the abnormal cells and see if they need to take any precautions or recommend treatments.

For women under the age of 50 it is wise to have a pap smear every two to three years.  If you have a pap smear that is abnormal then it is important to have one done every year.  After the age of 50, you can have a pap smear once every three years if you have not had any abnormal results previously.  Be sure to keep in mind that women’s health Phoenix physicians provide these tests to help prevent death and disease and it is wise to see your doctor annually.  So take the time to make an appointment today and have the testing done that you are in need of.

April 10, 2012
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